About Rotary
Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) is the association of Rotary clubs within England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. RIBI has over 1,800 clubs consisting of more than 50,000 men and women from all walks of life.
Our clubs are based in local communities where members meet on a regular basis to enjoy friendship, networking and to plan projects that will benefit the lives of others. Clubs utilise the skills, expertise and dedication of their members to help improve the lives of people in communities both at home and abroad.
Rotary members unite at home and across the globe to put our experience and knowledge to work tackling our most pressing challenges. We focus our efforts in six areas: promoting peace, preventing diseases, providing access to clean water and sanitation, enhancing maternal and child health, improving basic education and literacy, and helping communities develop.
Rotarians volunteer their efforts to improve the quality of life in their own communities and in the wider world. Rotary clubs meet weekly and are non-political, non-religous, and open to both sexes. Club membership represents a cross section of local business and professional interests. When away from home anywhere in the world, either on business or on holiday, Rotarians can attend meetings of local clubs.
More information about Rotary in the UK and Ireland can be found at www.ribi.org and more general information about Rotary International at www.rotary.org
R otary International is the world's largest service organisation. It has 1.2 million members in 30,000 clubs in 168 countries. In Great Britain and Ireland there are 59,000 members in 1835 clubs.