International Reunion Belgium 2017
International Reunion Belgium 2017
Presidential handover 2016 - IPP Alan Haine handing over the reins to President Martin Hemming
Some members of Harrow Rotary enjoying a Rhine Cruise with friends from our European contact clubs
Certificate of Excellence to Rotary Club of HARROW in recognition for its support of the Rotary Foundation during the Rotary year 2014/2015 from THE ROTARY FOUNDATION ROTARY IN LONDON District 1130
presented by Scott Maclachlan, Assistant District Governor to President Alan Haine
Thanasis Froussos - visiting President from a Rotary Club in Athens President Elect Martin Hemming
The Worshipful The Mayor Cllr Krishna Suresh receiving £500 from Harrow Rotary for his nominated charities - Harrow Young Musicians and HAD.
Presidential handover 2015 - IPP Colin MacDougall handing over the reins to President Alan Haine
Amabassorial Scholar Yurie Mizukami speaking to the club about her year in London
Sat Bose receiving his well deserved Paul Harris award in recognition of outstanding contribution to fundraising at Harrow Rotary Club
Cheque presentation to Matt Blank of Harrow Radio -a wonderful organisation who do so much for all of us in Harrow
Mark Brown Manager of Waitrose South Harrow and Harminder of Santander
Dr Raj Bathula from Northwick Park Hospital Stroke Unit also received a cheque for £750 toward their funds for improvements in the department.
A cheque for £5610 was presented to Mark Clements representing Cancer Research UK
Friends of Rotary
Friends of Rotary
Friends of Rotary
Friends of Rotary
Harrow Rotary Club Charity Football match
Harrow Rotary Club Charity Football match
Harrow Rotary Club Charity Football match
Harrow Rotary Club Charity Football match
Harrow Rotary Club Charity Football match
Spurs Legends Team photo with District Governor David Palmer
Team Photo at the Harrow Rotary Club Charity Football match
Action Shot from Charity Football Match
Nigel presenting President Colin with the Spurs Banner following the Charity football match
Vist by DG David Palmer
Jean, Valerie and Nahid - Bounemouth International Reunion 2014
Visit from The Worshipful The Mayor Cllr Nana Asante - March 2014
To view photos from our recent re-union with contact clubs from around Europe - please follow the link
Annual Quiz Night - February 2014
President Gary and Quizmaster Jonothan at our
Annual Quiz Night - February 2014
Buffet at our Annual Quiz Night - February 2014
District Conference October 2013
District Conference October 2013
Welcoming new member Nigel Warburg
Sat and our raffle table on New Year's Eve
Christmas Collections in aid of Ali's dream
Rotary Xmas Tree at All Saints Church
Rotary Xmas Tree at All Saints Church
President Gary at the Remembrance Day Ceremony in Harrow - laying a wreath on behalf of the Club
Happy Birthday Colin
Pinner Village Show
Garden Party
Fun in the sun
Garden Party
Yum yum - lovely food!
Harrow Rotary Club -80th Anniversary Certficate
The Worshipful the Mayor of Harrow visiting the Club
Kids Out - Thorpe Park
Rotary Shelter Box
Norman Kember - speaking to the Club about his time
as a hostage in Iraq
Dinner at the President's house - 3 satisfied Rotarians
Garden Party - 'fun in the rain!'
Garden Party Raffle Prize Winners
Garden Party - so good I'll have two helpings!!
Garden Party Spontaneous Knees Up
Garden Party - Shirley singing in the rain
Garden Party Fruit Fest
Sue Rowan and Leyla from Guide Dogs for the Blind Association come to visit us
Kids Out - Thorpe Park
Jim and Kaye visit us from Devon
Harrow Club enjoying a meal out
Sat's induction
Guess who's been to Texas?
John and Jean
Music Festival Saronno, Italy
Harrow Young Musicians in Italy
Music Festival Rehearsals
Gary on the mic
A Garden Party is not a Garden Party without a Pimms tent
Garden Party Moment
Herga Band at the Garden Party
Food,glorious food
Tiger Woods?? - oh no sorry - it's Colin
Has anyone seen my camel?
No-one will recognise me with my shades on (I hope)
Need a refill!
John and Gaye
Dress Down Thursday in honour of President Nick
Tom and Jan
Twins ?
4's Company concert
Tony receiving his Paul Harris Award for service to the Club
George and Joan
Ron and the Girls
Heart of Gold winners
David and June
A Thank you from the Club - Flowers for Jane and a new pinny for Tony
Frank Williams (Vicar in Dad's Army) visits Rotary Club of Harrow
Yummy Persian Food at Nahid's